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Working out during the Workday

Maybe your office building has a gym where you can squeeze in a few bicep curls on your lunch break. Or perhaps you’re still working from home and could go for a run between Zoom calls. 

Working out in the middle of the workday makes perfect sense…in theory. In reality, a certain type of person has a distinct advantage in pulling it off routinely

“I’m the boss,” says Jessica Vibberts, founder and chief executive of Full Potential Ventures, a consulting firm for nonprofits. 

Ms. Vibberts, 45, often works early in the morning and late at night but breaks around midday for a barre class, Pilates or high-intensity interval training. She says pausing work to exercise makes her a better leader by keeping her mind fresh. Her clothes are another story after a sweaty session, but she works remotely, having moved from San Francisco to Portugal a couple of years ago. Not that she worried about showing up to meetings in yoga pants before.

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